
Wednesday 24 March 2021

my maths week 4


so this is my maths so i did it with my maths with Tipi we both were trying to solve the maths answer and we always say that its a - or a + so we did the quastion and got it right.

one piece/ kind of

 this is about my story well its kind of like an anime but its half anime and its called one piece basicly its a series but all the part i changed it.

Tuesday 23 March 2021

around the world/what i like.


i even like other stuff but i prefer my best thing that i like and also about where i want to go and what i eat most and also the best  city

5 weeks work


this is my  5 weeks work Mr twit choices and Mrs twit i have to blog it cause i did not blog this before 

Monday 22 March 2021

Kawa of care


today i have learn about Kawa of care
also its meaning about not dropping your chrome book and also about taking care of it

The diving competition


the diving competition is a story where a man and the dad pranked the guy that went diving